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The Message Column

John Cusack

Johnny Depp

Some times people say things . . .

Awareness ought not to be a brick that you use on those who aren't awake to your ideas. and if you have some special gift of insight, like you are a seer, or have vision and understand the scriptures and I Ching well enough to predict what will happen to people and societies when they follow immoral ways (the way of the inferior urges of a person). We all have inferior and superior urges. As well we have male and female, and yin and yang aspects. inferior is clear in the judgey quality of it, a non preferred outcome for the hapless sojourner in life for the way is high or the way is low and people are mean or people are in fellowship and whatever the out come: it's often the things that you look for that you find. And very many people cultivate the indignation so that they can have an excuse for not living up to whatever delusions that they delude that other people are deluding, in their social group, at the hospital where they see their doctors and nurse practitioners, or at the building where they file their forms, or off in the highways of mind when they are running full speed ahead, worried about failure and not living up to . . . up to the standards of . . . and when they parse it all out, after they are well fed and have slept enough, and rested, and cured, and young again in spirit of mind, and understanding that we all meet our maker at the end of it and we might come into the world with our mom, and a room full of people, but when we leave, the only one who might be there, when that final sound comes calling from between the hillside, like a hot rod spitting flames and honking Gershwin like arpeggios, moving along the slick back ways of the funeral minded forest in bardo for . . . some new and dear dead friend. Dead friend.

In any case, and in conclusion, I must say that I don't like violence in politics and I don't appreciate dark metaphors being applied to public political people. I think that some of what we see these days is well orchestrated motions by well known players to make an outrageous gestures, and then for the world to show appropriate and measured response to this. I don't believe that John Cusack is a violent man, though he has a dark and broody quality that makes him almost the perfect arch-type bit player in the various genres of dark politics comedic think piece arthouse grind fest Saturday film with a big tub of pop corn half a floor above the floor half a floor below it. John has had some 'out there' parts. Including stuff like a, and ought I check this? he did a time show hot tub thing at a sky area? I'd better look it up on IMDB. Even better there was a used copy of The Hot Tub Time Machine at the Savers. I didn't buy it because I've already seen it. It didn't live up to my expectations, but perhaps there was a better edited version of it. The concept was there but the presenation lapsed. And it wasn't like when Cusack was in the Being John Malcavitch movie, which, though almost painful to live through, had flashes of brilliant montage, like the part where John ended up in some marsh in New Jersey . . . I just thought that was . . . very unique. I couldn't sit through the whole film.

John Cusack was in a movie portraying one of my musical heroes: Mr. Brian Wilson, who, by the way, is one of the world's great composers and I love him dearly as an obsessed fan does, and a music groupie because I'm kind of an amateur composer and I realized, at some point, that his songs were often the root of something that I'd worked out into something else. Like Help Me Rhonda or Fun Fun Fun aren't just throw away compositions good for a year or two, but time less and infinite and alive. John Cusack, from what I've read, gets that. And in some sense it was his devotion to Mr Wilson's music that got me to reconsider the Beach Boys and to delve into the whole mythology of it. It's a fascinating story and very much still going on and a lot of people are in that scene still doing it, and rocking on into eternity. And so there it is. John has insight into music. But also an edgey quality, an almost gonzo nature, too. Very aware of things and very much about trying to not get it wrong. But seemingly wanting to be provocative because he must believe, like so many seem to, that our sitting President is somehow off. Off and gone and lost in his petty feuds with petty people driving around the block over and over and going nutt un and 'bleeding from the . . ' do I need to provide a noun at the end of it? A president ought never tweet 'bleeding from the . . .' in any case. But ours does. So I'm wrong. And Cussack was quoting brooding dark film from the 1950's and posting a picture on line like Rock Stars will do and be provocative. I know that Cusack isn't technically a rock star, but he did play one (a real one) in the movie Love and Mercy which I do suggest that you see. It's all about Brian, who I mention above, who so many people find so dear and lovable because he just is. And you can see it in him, crazy love for live and not crazy at all, who hears things and has learned to hush the mean voices. We all could do that. I suggest that Mr. Trump do that too. Just because you can think funny clever things in your head doesn't mean that you ought to share them with the world. And as far as presidents discussing who is or isn't or did or didn't bleed . . . I say don't do it. Put down the cell phone. Stop texting your small response . . . don't use the term 'bleed', or 'bled' or 'bloat', or . . . the list is long but you know we do have free speech so we are free to make ourselves sound like unenlightened and bickering dimentia patients who have a chip on our shoulders. Can't we do better than this?

Can't we? Do better? Do good in stead of doing better. But goodness is relative. Mean back-atchas from a president? Come on, Donald. Ya, it's funny in one sense. And we support the draining of the swamp, but . . . we don't care what the lying leftists say. We stopped listening to them a long long time ago. But that's not all of hte leftists. Some of them are people with integrity who work hard for what htey believe in and are reasonable and understand that they don't have all of the answers, and are willing to work for a solution. I've always seen John Cusack as being that kind of person, someone who thinks things through and doesn't want to get things wrong. and there is nothing wrong with quoting old movies. So I'm not going to say 'oh, no, I'll never ever ever watch Mr. Cusack's films. In stead I'll listen to him when he speaks and try to understand what insight to whatever major world horror show that he's picked up on and he's investigated and nosing around trying to find the real deal and solve some horror of life that's been let to go on for too damn long. And that's the kind of leftist that everyone can admire because they aren't bent on the evil cause of some subverted moity of power that just uses marxism as an excuse for authoritarianism and sells out nations to enablers in the wider world with 'capital' for 'infrastructure' and 'structured payments'. In my world I see that Trump is on that side opposed to authoritarianism as well, and see sees the CNN insiders as being on the side of the moiety of power that really doesn't care about anything more than their own privledge. In my view Trump and Cusack are both wanting better governance, and less obtrusive control freak behavior by powerful people. But John disagrees with me about Trump, and so what? We need many different voices and I'm alright in listening to the smack talk of rantings of a charged nature, in their proper venue, and without actual violence against real people. And that doesn't bully or humiliate people who are too weak of mind (for whatever reason) to see the obviousness of cause and being 'hip' to the way, we can't be bully's or we loose credibility.

A quote from a movie is a quote from a movie. A quote from Shakespeare is a quote from Shakespeare. And most people who use the term 'dead' don't mean it in a way that implies criminality. Someone like Cusack, or that dame with the horror shtick from a few weeks back, tasteless, or the friend of Hunter who was talkinga bout John Wilkes Booth, who was also an actor. these tasteless things get said or done. In the case of Depp, he's got a different spin depending on what he's . . . well, you know. But he's playing in a band and maybe they got . . . and he's got it and he's 'on' that night and he's trying to be funny and all that and he's a little bit . . . and I'm not wanting to accuse him of being . . . high.

or not high? Our generation? We like, soe of us like, to take drugs in public. And a lot of dancing. Depp is a rock star too, you know. He plays with two of the best and you do know their names or if you don't you ought to. I am sure that none of them, none of them, is down with political violence. In fact, I know, for a fact, and I've got pictures to prove it, that they want to rock the vote. It's not about politics but about democracy. So one of the guys, in his other band, they went back to their roots and did a free show around the 2012 election,, and it was held on the street in Alston. Outside of where they used to live (Alston? Brighton? Brookline? Boston? ).

So any way it's far fetched that a lit up guitar player is really thinking of doing harm.

And as far as John Cusack quoting old movies, ya, so he did. Maybe it was a tasteless thing to say but I am sure that Mr. Cusack is not wanting anything bad to come to the person, but to the politics of the person. Which is not the same thing. It is the job of the enlightened oposition to declare the dead parts of the policy being promoted by their political rivals. In the case of our current situation, with two zombie partys still holding most of the reigns of power, and controlled, like puppets from giant strands that hang way off in the air far above the crowd forever a mystery or just a lameoid theory or false narriative born of well known lies? I'm going on with a fiction now. That's what I do.

As far as John and Johnny and Joe and Keith, and even Donald: lets wish them all well. Their politics? I'm going to stop and listen to any one of these and hear what they say about politics and agree and disagree based upon how I feel and respect that I don't get to make the final decision. And John and Johnny and Joe and Keith don't. Nor does Donald. We have a different process than that and the process we use excludes violence or rule by just one man or person.

We can respect and love our mensches that we see in the world, a crowd of them I've mentioned. We can disagree with their politics and make stupid references to movies that no one's ever heard of except from some glitterous film buffs, and we can do all kinds of chest thumping behaviors at a local bar if we are a local and a regular and famous and everyone understands our peculiarities. In any case at the end of it all of these very public people are driven to be that way due to ? ? ? and they dont' deserve anything violent thrown at them. and, in fact, take great risk just being in public and doing the whole fan greet thing. Even more for a politician who stumbled into the office by being the only alternative to . . . who most people were loath to have as our president. We want our people safe, that means everyone. That means those who we politically disagree with. that means people who hate us and stumble her through some program, not really sure wy, and end up somewhere with a giant chip on their shoulder mad at the world and saying mean and violent things, and being all pro whatever it is that they imagine that they are. as if we are opposed when we are not.

So lets just reign in the prophecies of careers ending because of a provocative choice of provocative quotes from provocative producers who, we hope, are trying to bang on the doors of consciousness and get us to open up the door, and wake up. Be woke, is that the way that the Oxford Dictionary is defining it from the original jingo? How about this: be awoken. But doesn't that sound pompous. If you really were awake, do you really go around waking everyone else up and getting them all upset at you?

The only thing that ought to end an actors career should be if they aren't any good anymore at acting. Both of these guys really are actors and they are loved because of their performances. They say things. They might say things you don't like. That doesn't mean that they suck. That doesn't mean that you should boycott them. And if they are tasteless and crass, at times, is that any worse than others in the news? Generals and leaders have often been known to have crude and blunt methodologies of communications. As well, actors.

One more point: it's important not to close your mind to alternative points of view. In the case of Mr. Cusack, he has been known to write for various publications at times. And I've found that I learn from his presentation of facts and opinions. I still look for his byline and even if I don't agree with him about some of it, I kind of know that he's not, to put it in crass terms . . . he's not . . .OK, I'll scrip the crass terms. He's often on the mark and concerned about topics of great interest to the wider world and of urgent concern for cause motivated people. If you think you can ignore the voices of the opposition have you learned nothing from the failures of the last administration who wouldn't allow dissenting voices concerning a lot of issues, and seemingly trained a generation of activasts to be close minded and mean.

June 30, 2017

Dead man.
It's you, and Death is there to take you on to Glory. 
Honking Gershwin-like arpeggios from the steam horn of his hot rod
spitting flames in bardo
for you.

Painted flames on the size.
It's a four door model of your favorite car
from 1967
and that blue color you love, like midnight
driven by your favorite great uncle
who always loved you and died too young.

Or is it black, midnight flames of orange.
someone beckoning 
"this way, over here."
Don't be destracted.
Don't be disillusioned.

know it all will tell ya . . .

and he probably won't shut up about it . . .

end of rambles for now . . . 
and always in need of an edit.

June 6, 2017

 Political moshing ought always be in mock!

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Plaque in memorial for passangers of a slave ship who died local to this sign and are burried nearby. Key West, Florida.  © 2015 2016 © APC
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Oh tiny font nonsense,
just because your letters are smaller
doesn't mean you have some alternative importance.

  Praise     Praise     Praise
   the        the        the
   Lord       Lord       Lord!
  for    because    
 Easter  He's so awesome! 
  welcome to The Message Column!



Is it obvious parody or News or both?

Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company. Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company. Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company.
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here is a fresh link, a new path to some older content:
   photo pile!

 a sane backup strategy includes . . . 
Suns gone
don't follow me
Spring falls 
like rain.

If you don't wait for me
I'll never wait for you again.
I'll never wait for you again.
I'll never wait for you again.

All of those dreams I had last Summer
they fade fade fade
with the rain
All of those times I tried to reach out to you
you always act like i'm insane
I'll never wait for you again.

and again
I wait for you 
in the morning
I dream you'll come
to see me
buy you never ever ever
come again.

Again and again
you never ever ever come again.

All of those dreams I had in Summer
they did
fade fade fade
with the rain
All of those times I tried to talk to you
you always acted like I'm insane
I'll never wait for you again
I'll never wait for you again

and again
I dream
you come
to see me
I dream that
we are walking
down the long and storied lane
and you'll always come again

In Wicked Need of an Edit

🚛 🎓 🎔 🌀

Political and Media Inanity

Kafka wrote comedy. Orwell was a pessimist. Depends who you ask.

Imagine if they both could have lived and made it to Los Angeles, post war, and been collaborators on writing romantic screwball comedies for Hollywood. If we search IMDB for movies written by Kafka, or by Orwell, will we find one? I kind of doubt it.

by Truck-u-later


in this column Truck-u-later steps in deeper . . .

Stop tweeting already.

Mr Trump: your 'base' stopped listening to the New York Times, CNN, Time Mag and all of the corrupt voices of political opportunism a very long time ago.

Please stop with this battle. It puts you at their level.

There are sane voices on the left. They have ideas that might work for some things. Try to listen to them instead.

OK, I dare to speak to you as if you read this. If you swim in fetid waters, you might have a choloric reaction. When you back-at-cha meanness to those who lie for a living, you are swiming in the same sewar which they do.

There are sane and rational people of ideas, on both the left and the right. Please, as our president, engage with them. Mud Wrestling is fun in some sense if you like that. But you weren't put in office to be a put-down commedian, though you are amoung the best at that if someone 'gets' your sense of humor.

In many ways politics ought to be humorless. Too often a joke that goes bad can result in a major 'affair' or diplomatic kerfuffle (what the hell is a kerfuffle?)

But then again, it's what is on your mind. So who is your audience? When you say that so and so is bleeding? who is your audience and what do you think they 'get' from these concepts that you present. Often in the early A.M.?

But here it is: it's a kind of warfare, people. Mr. Trump is lobbing these tweet-bombs at them in the early A.M. and they are up and trying to ascertain how they can throw it right back at him mean while, meanwhile. Do we really know the time line of these tweets? Maybe he thinks up a bunch at brunch the day before and then he times them to wake up all the people who are always talking him down. They get up and loose sleep and loose their minds. What is Trump thinking? Why is he doing this? What purpose? Who does he think thinks this is funny?

So Donald is at war with them, in a strange way, as if it's a celibrity roast.

Donald, snap out of it. You've got to be someone who doesn't play to the peanut gallery. Ya, yucking it up with put-down commedians is a gas, and they might touch a nerve and actually make someone have a moment of self reflection. But a diplomat or a president has to be much softer spoken. But you got the bar-guy personality, I know this about you because I can see it in you, Wharton guy too, you know what I know about Wharton: the guys really were 'the guys' that you'd want to hire to get your business doing things correctly to turn a large profit. So you aren't a joke. But you played it like you were, it was your 'brand'. You with the orange hair, like Heat Miser from the old cartoon puppet Christmas XXX-a-ganza (that's a word that will get you banned from Tweet land, so i've exxed it out). But it was a happy kind of obviously puppet fest.

But here is the thing about Donald: he's not a puppet.

And for all of you who hate him, so what? That's your flaw not his. You hate. Not him.

But when he tweets about people bleeding, something that's hard for people, and some people say, say that it's a sign . . . stigmatta.

But when he tweets those really mean things it does seem that Mr. Trump is hating. And hating a person. No matter how vein or misguided or addicted to 'looks' that someone is, that they get themeselves cut up so as to 'look' better, which doesn't always work, isn't it a medical condition, either a form of obcessive compulsion or . . . a deep seated sense of worthlessness tied to body image? Something to be pittied? A person in need of loving and understanding, a private thing, pathethic you might think. But even more pathetic to talk about it to the whole world, who, by the way, are reading all of your tweets and trying to make sense of them. I'm talking to him as if he reads this, but I kind of know . . . that he's got more important things to do. I've been his ardent supported about a lot of what he's doing. There are a lot of topics about which we could disagree. But in the end we all have issues, personal issues, that we all must face. If we use other's issues against them, that are out side of the domain of politics and in the realm of the personal or the medical, we seem to have a callus disregard for their well-being and the eventuality of their enlightment and coming to terms with whatever obcession is driving them into dispair to the point of letting someone cut up their face so that they will 'look' better.

I'm showing my judgey way, at times. Vanity is a weight that drags people down. That announcer or new reader (I don't know her name, I don't watch her show) ought to know that in the realm of ideas if you look pretty that doesn't make your ideas more valid.

Maybe that's Mr. Trump's point? But that's not what he said.

Maybe he's got the voice recognition on and it's just transcribing what he's saying while he's talking in his sleep.

Main point: don't hit send. Review your content and post it later. I don't always follow that rule myself. But I'm not the President of the United States of America.

June 30, 2017

tell us how you really feel . . .

. . . well . . . Truck-you-later!

delight in the delete.

Remember the Sultana!

April 27, 1865

The Sultana. from image free to use. The original image is in the public domain. This has been modified and so it is not public domain. you are free to make one like this by finding the original image and doing your own transforms on it. So . . . it's all good., 2014 © APC ditto, 2014 © APC The Sultana. transformed image ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC © 2016 © 2017 ©

  Praise     Praise     Praise
   the        the        the
   Lord       Lord       Lord
  for his    for his    for his
 unfailing  unfailing  unfailing
   love!      love!      love!

  well, little else now.

Bill writes all these columns.

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