Love Solves Everything So Simple     

20 March, 2013. Here is an extension of Very Many Hearts

Without a proper sequencer how does one create a triggered display of animation? For example if one were to craft 'gear' pieces, that would essentially be 3D creations of html img elements, that would fold around themselves and look like little cylynder gears. One could do that but then how would one then create a way to put the gears into a box? How would one make a transmission or a simulated clock out of them? A sequencer would be a large part of that.

No such open source sequencer exists that I know of. And baring an industrial quality server side (cloud based) solution: I think it is safe to say that a javascript based sequencer would be quite honestly be letting the geni free. Sometimes a Jin, so the myths I've heard seem to implie (and I am not an expert in the genre, so don't go quoting my opinion on it) , needs a good master. So, my theory on it is that if people need to do animation they ought to be able to do it

Keeping the sequencer server side works best for a lot of things. That way most of the computing is done at the server. And that way coordination can occur between remote nodes, supposse, for example, in a tutor chat environment, where the feeds from multiple people need to control some outside entity such as a large screen array for purposes of either entertainment, advertising, sports casting, open-class-room consortium architecture (if one exists), or whatever. A single java script browser side piece is important, oh ya. But to make real things happen it is a very good idea to have a backbone process, a server based architecture that can load ballance, and a real-time hard process sequencer is just the way to do it. But there aren't any availabl that I know of.

Please proceed to the next demo: Big Picture tamed.

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