sphere of rainbow rings

spin gauge toy-widget demonstration sample

Amillia Publishing Company Advertisement  © The beautiful Golden Gate Bridge arching across to the Golden Gate in the heavy Springtime fog.

The way the press is these days it's like the Nazi's are going to start Operation Barbarosa. That started on 22 June 1941. That is when the Nazi troops invade Greece. It's worth reading about it but it is also a distraction.

The press is all upset about things in Greece. I'm not sure if they should blame the Greeks. If the government is given a blank check by an international bank and credit agency (of final repute) and that blank check is endorsed by idiots in Berlin, who seemed to have gone along with the scheme by virtue of agreeing to be part of the 'union' that was concocted by . . . well tht is history that isn't well stated because it's beeter, in some people's minds, for some things to not be known. In any case the 'union' was just all about shared governmental 'on-the-hookness' (they probably didn't use such a made-up new vernacularish word like I do here.)

I'd envisioned my article about the 'greek exit from the ERO as being a list of dates from Greek History. I suppose it could start with the first citizen of AThens who was a sheep herder and escaped the flood that destoryed everyone down below. Does science have a way to determine the date of that catastrophy? or maybe the date when the Persians despot decided that his nation would finally cross over the bosperoush and crush those lowly upstarts on the other side. We celebrate that victory everytime we run a marathon, so take that all you who would bring low the Greeks. Or was it when the romans came and said 'now we are a union, pay us tribute, take our good ideas. We envy you yours. We aren't going to destroy you but try and copy you in all your good ways and marry all your pretty women and . . . Or what was the date when Constanstinoble fell. Greece was the center of the Christian world until that point. There were two centers. OK, there were as many centers as there were practicing Christians, and anyone who didn't practice was a center for him/or her or whatever self. Via la individual! (horray for the individual)

So what exactly is it that is happen? An invasion of creditors? A bunch of loosers in suits show up to do collection? They say 'you want meat, you give me the little . . . '? They demand all the gold? They demand the best townhomes? They want your old collection of Greek historic coins? They haul off part of the parthanon and put it in a mueseum in London? What exactly do they do now to the Greeks?

And it's a 'contagion', that will 'spred'. Do you suppose that they market free money from the IMF for corrupt officials of indentured (those who 'join' the 'union') like they do pharmacuiticals? They have a 60 second commercial with peopoe who look like they just shot up blissfully carrying a canoe towards a class five rapids as if they are senior government officials on the dream of a lifetime rafting trip that ehy will fially be able to take after they get their skim from the money that the world blank will give them for free (which the people of their country will have to pay back in the future). And then the voice over with the disclaimer speak

Taking freemoney may result in society collapse if excess dept has been exceeded. Don't take international credit loans if you are suffering from a profligate cleptocracy and you have no means of revenue beyond issuing 'kick-the-can (down the road)' bonds of the kind that willnever be able to be paid back. Ministers and corrupt officials who have moral issues should maybe talk to good council. Make sure you flee your coutnry if the economy starts to collapse or the prior use of freemoney from the world blank may result in sudden . . .

I'm sure it could be funny if we got a team of writers to work and give it Jimmy F but would they read it tonight on the show?

Well, it's not good to joke about the suffering of innocents. But if we did need to look for blame? It would have to be that creditors give credit to municpalities and nation-states for which paying back the money loaned, under the original terms, is a nonsustainible activity. Who should be help here? Bankers in a tower who live the good life for free with the skim from money that they create from nothing and then loan to nations like Greece, where it was looted off? Or the people of Greece who will need to have grapes for their wine and leaves for their cassorol, and some oil for the stove, and some milk for their babies?

So lets see the bankers do the classy thing and admit that they are the ones who caused this. We should not punish the Greeks for the tradgedy of bad governance at large international lending organizations. And all those who work within that buerocracy, equally, should not be punished for the cupidity of the rulling generation. The bnaking at the international level is a fuedalist cult of aristocratically leaning people. They are ruled by that set of rules and they have to realize that nobelity needs to make sacrifices. Do they really want to be a secret nobility that doesn't have to ever make any kind of sacrifice? They are the ones who need to step back and take responsibility. They can not live a free life forever, and all of their spawn, as seems to be their plan (unsubstantiated conspriacty theory maybe should delete on edit).

And I'm sure it's all very wound up with complex deriviative infestment. It's a mouse trap ready to snap. Someone who knows, who has access, needs to go and unspring everything and start winding down all of the criminal's investments. And if there had been some kind of justice in the banking industry and people were held to account for their financial crimes . . . maybe we could trust these people to do it. Instead. Well what do we have? A lot of fear mongering. People thinking of the 'The Greeks' as people who 'get what they had coming' and all kinds of other vulgar justifications for the way that they want to treat the Greek nation just so that they can maintain profitibility.

In this age of video by drone, in the age of full disclousure, lets take some of that money that we were planning on throwning into the surveylance rathole and use it to send relief to Greece, if they do in fact need it. We sent our armies there once to free them. We invaded via Creete to drive out the Nazis. Surely it can't be that hard to do something similar only with food and what they need to live. WE could take it out of the military budget for the various nations of Nato. Wouldn't that be a better investment than drones in the Ukraine (who aren't even part of NATO, so why the fixatin on them?)

But to some it seems as if NATO, and the EU and the US and all of the other nations are just pawns. They bow to their banker-stockrcacy. They seek to be a nobelity that has to never make sacrifices nor even behave with any kind of chivilry. The rest of us just should not let them get away with it this time. Enough is enough. Greece doesn't deserve what some have planned for her.

Well, so, the day is upon them who seek to be vampires and go and suck the blood that they can get out of what is left of the Greek economy. Let's leave the lights on so that it isn't ever dark, so that everything that they do is under the glare of full disclousure. And if the Greeks are given a hard time, and they are treated as chattle for the profiteers . . . let's know what is happening so that we can counter it with rational charity.

And shame the bankerstocracy into doing the right thing. if you wnat to be noble then you need to be able to live at the same level as everyone else. The real nobles are those who don't seek it, don't need the tower-dweller job, don't want to be 'special', have given up the idea of aristocracy.

If anyone at the highlevels of the corruptocracy is really like that? Now is the time to speak truth to power. Go to your bosses and make the case for doing what is right: minimum of suffering, no 'cutting off' of food and supplies. No hard ball with the little people of greece who just want to live day to day.

fun with translation

Fun with translation. With thanks to translate.google.com which can be quite fun and informative.

Let's not have a war. давайте не будем иметь войну

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  played with a chinkky callipso beat, like metal shaking
   during the dance to keep time.
играл с Chinky калипсо такт, как металл пожимая во время танца, чтобы время.

miss ya
miss ya 
miss ya
miss ya

Let's not have a war.

You found out the gold wasn't anything
the goal has always been the same
when you're lost and afraid
you can invent anything
that makes it all seem sane
but all hatred and fear is in vain


Let's not have a war.

Let us not have a war.

song-writers note: if you are looking
for hidden meaning
in this song, the words, there is none.
It's is merely onomonopoedica.
the meaning is very clear:
No War! We don't want one!

I heard you got in a fight
you were listening
to poison news 
and got all in someone's face
in a state of excited
unenlighted . . .

And now there is a lot of dust so you think
That great ships have gone into the drink
and you fear the worst,
but your thirst
your thirst!
Why can't you
your thirst?

Other countries
aren't some place to drink right up.
often lead to death and blight
the ones who say to march 
are off and too the side
they write their jingo 
to get their mobs to chant
there is not love in their recant.

They found out that the drink
was too strong.
The marchers went to a concert
that didn't take very long.
And the band
well they wouldn't play
that revolution song
because they said 'be strong'
or 'move along'
or stop hitting on that poison bong
or take some time
to reflect on rhyme
and let's not have a fight.

After the show everyone wondered off home.
And for those who don't know
everyone helped everyone stay and keep warm.
It was a cold day, that day.
But good people have
better things to say
and know
to not fight.

So Walladu-la
I'm glad
you got introspective
and gave up your hateful behavior
and discovered something new,
a recommended savior
who tells you to stop the fight
because what you think you are doing
isn't right.

You've been
blogging all day
I've seen it
I saw it
I've seen it before

he's seen it before

I took down notes

he took down notes

kept writing till my arms were tired.

he wrote down notes
till his arms were tired.

You've been 
blogging all day
I've seen it before.
I did it.

it was long ago
I thought someone would care
it was long ago
I thought someone would care

he wrote notes
till his hand fell off.
He wrote notes till his 
eyes fell out.
Will somebody catch these for him?
A long walk to the town from here?
his eyes
are like superballs 
bouncing down a mountainside
someone yells up
"you're going to kill someone doing that."
he yells back down
"if you find my eyes
give them to death
and he can give them back to me."

All day, all day long
he was blogging
worrying about

All day
all night
he drinks 

And some times
he has a fright
it's weird to see him
late at night
wondering in his bardo.

Deep within the dream
that screams from the top of the stairs
it tells him that his fears are
just imaginary cares.

Is it a giant window?
A constellation of planets leading him forward
to take that leap of faith.
You might as well
in a dream
if you are paralyzed
within the approprium, the
glue of expectation that
is busted out from the 
molasses factory,
you might hesitate.

run for your lives
or be crushes by the
flood of molasses

All day
all night
he drinks 

And some times
he has a fright
it's weird to see him
late at night
wondering in his bardo.

Deep within the dream
that screams from the top of the stairs
it tells him that his fear about the imaginary.

Is it a giant window?
A constellation of planets leading him forward
to take that leap of faith?
You might as well,
in a dream,
if you are paralized by the
gue of other people's expectations that
is busted out from the 
mollasses factory.

run for your lives
or be crushes by the
flood of mollasses.

it's a rough day,
a rough draft

tornadic winds
spinning the spinny toys.

Such a big wind!
What a large window
blowing by in the sky
like dorothy

But they wrote the story
where they all get home
and the calamity
and all is well.

So I have to give you back your draft
We can't follow your plans this year, this decade,
this century.

A bouppiididdittybit Bop
was droning by and tells you
that it's now, even though it was before
she is naked to try and
tempt you
but you know she isn't real
so you brush her off,
it's just images on the television
and if they speak 
they only speak in lies.
She looks like that candidate.

So the bouppiddidditybit Bop
hands me a headset demanding
that I put it on
and it would 
snap into my spine
like the robot arm
you will be
and what they want for you
is of no importance
unless you agree
do you agree?

So I handed him back his 
control unit
without explanation
and then hovered over
to another dream
where no one like him exists
and the people that they show on television
don't spout lies like a fountain.

what is this page?

This is a personal blog page. This spin gauge example 26

This version is called 'Sphere of Rings'. If all goes well with your browser there will be 'rings' of images that will rotate concentrically around the center of a sphere. I modify the x,y,and z angles with ratios of the same angle, and thus the 'rotation' has a specific 'flavor' to it. The demonstration is self explanitory if it works in your browser. If you have firebug installed, take a look at my code.

© 2010, 2012 2013 2014 2015 © Amillia Publishing Company . All Poems written by Bill Perilli, of Natick, MA.

This page is a test and demonstration page, non commercial, an offshoot of an artist blog.

blah blah blah. Meaning there's already been too much talk and I'm not interested anymore in the discourse that is going on
Decorative Holiday Lighted Seal with ball, accross the street from the F
isherman's Memorial, Glocester MA, sunset, Dec 20, 2006.  Copyright © 2010, Amillia Publishing Company Supermoon, Sept 7, 2014 from Natick., 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC
ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC

Axis orientation Orienters

rotateX(186.9deg) rotateY(129.9deg) rotateZ(-166.5deg)
rotateY(136.7deg) rotateX(0deg) rotateZ(0deg)
rotateX(-34deg) rotateY(30.5deg) rotateZ(0deg)
rotateX(178deg) rotateY(113.1deg) rotateZ(195.7deg)
rotateX(-52.1deg) rotateY(24.6deg) rotateZ(12.8deg)
rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(90deg)
rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(-90deg)
rotateX(0deg) rotateY(-40deg) rotateZ(90deg)
rotateX(-32deg) rotateY(148deg) rotateZ(0deg)
rotateX(122deg) rotateY(12deg) rotateZ(75deg)
rotateX(113deg) rotateY(1deg) rotateZ(71deg)
rotateX(-338deg) rotateY(-40deg) rotateZ(-187deg)

Amillia Publishing Company Advertisement  © The beautiful Golden Gate Bridge arching across to the Golden Gate in the heavy Springtime fog.

Death called and said he'd give you a reprieve
if you'd just "cut it out."
He said you'd know what he means.