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The Message Column

Harvest time

Years of effort

drink and
be merry!"


"Vanity Vanity and chasing after wind."

Ecclesiastes is a quick read, it's only 12 chapters. I recommend it.

The link I provide is to biblehub King James Version. Biblehub is worth bookmarking

Why isn't the editor 'published'?

This site goes back more than 12 years, and you can view those pages if you have the links. It's evolved. I used to put a lot more content up, and, in fact, had the ability to live edit the pages (some of them). I took this feature away for fear of providing a comm channel for neffariousness (I do pay attention to those things.).

I don't put up a lot of new content here but I have been writing elsewhere. I have a few projects. I would love to publish, but I'm just like that guy who says 'well, ya know . . . fame isn't it, and look what happened to Jack (preyed upon, the predator is the prey).

Does anyone care?

I gave up on it, that fame thing. And look what's happened? Much of 'popular culture' is exposed as mostly fraudulent, and often rather sinister in it's psychology. So ya, I make up excuses?

But the fact is that I've got the goods, over 10 novels (in draft form). I just don't make them available.

How do I make them available?

Well, reading Eccleiastes puts it all into perspective. So that's why I don't chase after the wind of fame in the literary world.

Meme Material. Unity USA! please cite when using, enjoy. 2012 © APC 


The world is Ready!

Shills do as shills do if you let them post they will misconstrue they will jam your channels and blocker your pages they dont' care about the truths of mensches and sages. Shills do as shills do they have a mission to make you blue. They do as they will to make you sad and they always post that filtering is bad. Shills will attack if you respond their purpose is to not get along. They will slam you shame you call you a fool they will tell you how 'anon feel' as if they speak the rule and they post constant crap of a degenerate type trying to get a site blockered, it just aint right. Silly shills marching to the tune of who pays the most to make be soon be a famous shill the most dangerous kind who never even speaks his mind.

The world is Ready!

9:30 PM Nov 28 2018
We shed that which is no longer useful, helpful, or desired.

How to live in a clean house?

What does 'clean' even mean? I know I don't like dust and cobwebs. I know that I like to not have bad smells. But also, as time goes on, we forget to dust. So dust isn't say it's not safe or healthful, as long as you don't desturb it. And no-dust is an impossibility. And grumbling about it . . . is . . .

It's just a
pass in
an hour.

Meme Material. Unity USA! please cite when using, enjoy. 2012 © APC


Image from  Wall Street where Washington was inaugarated 2014 © APC Marines!  at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC 2014 © APC The WWII Memorial in Washington, DC 2014 © APC

Work on what has been spoiled. But what about those who pretend that there isn't a problem?

And a stadium sized fuel-cell bubble-house that floats off towards New Brunswick.

And a New Brunswick sized fuel-cell bubble-house that floats off towards a distant galaxy of light.

 I'm sorry
 for letting myself
 draw out my
 rightgously indignant
 'how absolutely dare, you sir' inner

An old proverb:

Those who say do not know. Those who know do not say.

read it, 
done with that.


 Justice is the Water
 that feeds the thirst
 of all anonymously!
This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2012 APC. Rainbow Star. A star shape with banded rainbows. The star is not a perfect star, but has side of uneven length as if it is but one in series, of an animated dancing star..  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. Rainbow Star. A star shape with banded rainbows. The star is not a perfect star, but has side of uneven length as if it is but one in series, of an animated dancing star..  © 2012 APC. This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC.

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Skylight Copley Place circa 2006  © 2015 2016 © APC morning glory.  © 2015 2016 © APC Purple Amythist  multi-mirrored image of a deep purple colored amythist.  © 2015 2016 © APC purple hued monochrome of El Captian, a giant cliff in Yosemete National Park.  © 2015 2016 © APC   El Captian, a giant cliff in Yosemete National Park.  © 2015 2016 © APC  of El Captian, a giant cliff in Yosemete National Park.  © 2015 2016 © APC Roses, slightly wilted, in a vase positioned near the center, but not exactly, a list of names, in memorial, which are written in ever increasing concentric circles, very very very many names of people who died during the AIDS epidemic. Golden Gate Park, in the AIDS Grove  © 2015 2016 © APC

Plaque in memorial for passangers of a slave ship who died local to this sign and are burried nearby. Key West, Florida.  © 2015 2016 © APC
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Decorative Holiday Lighted Seal with ball, accross the street from the Fisherman's Memorial, Glocester MA, sunset, Dec 20, 2006.  Copyright © 2010, Amillia Publishing Company ditto Dec 20, 2006.  Copyright © 2010, APC Supermoon, Sept 7, 2014 from Natick., 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC
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  Praise     Praise     Praise
   the        the        the
   Lord       Lord       Lord!
  for    because    
 Easter  He's so awesome! 
  welcome to The Message Column!



Is it obvious parody or News or both?

Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company. Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company. Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company.
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here is a fresh link, a new path to some older content:

 The snap

In Wicked Need of an Edit

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Political and Media Inanity
by Truck-u-later


in this column Truck-u-later steps in deeper . . .

Knocker-blocking the content of those who you think oppose you just marks you, the censor, as being a faithless and untrustworthy weasel unworthy to serve in the governance of human institutions.

Let me tell you a fact: History written by Socialists, Communists or Marxists is always tainted and fraudulent in parts. Also with ultra conservatives sometimes too. However, the Marxists and Communists and Socialists go out of their way to censor everyone else and kill people based upon false ideas. Look at Pol Pot. Look at Stalin. Can you find any worse? (you could if you looked).

Let me tell you a fact: History written by Ideologues, zealots, or agenda mongers is always tainted and fraudulent in parts. Also with ethnics too, sometimes too. However, the Marxists and Communists and Socialists go out of their way to censor everyone else. People end up dead based upon false ideas. Look at Pol Pot. Look at Stalin. Can you find any worse? (you could if you looked).

And if you find where its someone else, that isn't a zealot leftist ideologue, it might be that the ideologues of the left were planning it but the ones who would have become the hunted decided to turn it around. There are no heroes in that case. The fact is that socialists are loath to ever have fair elections after they garner enough power (the seats of legislatures.).

The ideology can often be, on the left, a hunger game where all the sharing is fake, and the news too. The people are run off into the fields, they are put out into the wildernesses of being told that they are the issue, that their faults are the problems. A sane person looks at this and says 'who are they to tell me what I need to do to be better, and I'll say what that means'. They might refrain 'look-it, I know I have issue, but you only look at mine and don't see any of yours to quote The Bible 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone.' and the socialist might not even know who said that. Who? He.

To be fair: the idea that it can all be 'shared' is a great game. And we love to imagine it for real, but we limit it to smaller crowds. And you can only have so many pepole at a party. So if there are stragglers, they aren't in the proper attire? It's a formal affair? You help people who need help but who ever said that everyone needs to get invited to every party, it's simply untenable. When The Grateful Dead were touring, I'd often make it to the show. But you'd find these 'I need a miracle' people. ONe day I, as a joke, put my finger up, as if beatific in a Renaissance painting, as a weird satire. I needed a ticket. After that it was a fad and I'd say 'I did that first at a Worcester show in 1985' or something and my friends would be like 'no, you didn't start that. It was around a lot longer than that but I tell you, I never saw anyone do it before me that I remember, though I wasn't looking for it. so maybe. I can't claim it as 'mine' because didn't the Renaissance painters already do that, secret hand languages. What does it mean, what does anything mean?

Secret signs. Obvious signs. Various methodologies that people use to give out their unseemly messages. What does it mean? Someone claims a particular swirl has a particular meaning and suddenly there are those trying to claim that any swirl means that. And I have a fossil that's supposedly 400 million years old (from Grand Isle, Vermont, Isle La Motte) and it's a cephalopod. It's a swirl.

Even if someone were to have the exact same swirl in their art (cause a swirl is a swirl) and it's looks close it's not exact. It doesn't mean the same thing. Or if it's sold as cothing and someone is wearing it and you say 'do you know what pepole say that means?' you would be indignant. You simply didn't know. Like the OK sign that very many people do. It's a plague of ugly world-burghar class 'leaders' they show on the chan always show too much of it for the purpose of? Shills do what shills do.

At the Middlesex District Court in Lowell, where the Registry of Deeds is, there is a tiling on the floor that is swastikas. Those tiles were laid before the Nazi era, so it doesn't mean anything neffarious. So why don't they rip it all up? County government isn't going to waste tax dollars, and potential graft, hiring union wage guys to until a perfectly good floor just because what some people imagine it might mean. It's an education. Go there and look at it. No cameras are allowed (it is also a courthouse, by the way, and under strict security).

So you see the bullshitters on line with their terse two or three line stock shill. There are the shills who say 'X'. And then immediately (sometimes in less then 30 seconds from the time on the original post) you'll have a 'verification shill' which will be like a picture of someone with their finger pointing and meme text saying something affirmative. One of the tactics of the shill is to misconstrue an item and then have four or five different posters by ID who are probably just one shill or shill-bot. And then later, breads and breads later, there will be the shills telling anon, becasue what the shills sad very many breads ago, and kept repeating, that anons are upset or downhearted blah blah blah blah blah. They never cease.

Or this one kills me: the shill posts something like 'so all anons are in agreement or consensus about . . . .' and of course on an anonymous board that's rather impossible.

People need to communicate. The chans serve the purpose. Unfortunately the global information mafias are loath to see their long term products humiliated and shown clearly to be fools and spokespuppets. So they want to kill the channels, such as 4ch or pol or others (8ch). There is actaully a 'cause' called, I'll have to review screen caps to find it which might take time. In any case the screen cap shows this message board about this effort to clog up various channels of communications, like gab, and get it banned. I think it was called 'the ban out.' anyway these cucks were proud of themselves. And admitting that they were doing it. The tactic it to poison the channel.

And here is another, some go on about hairbrained 'chan culture' crap. and every single bread they show these women who look like drugged up sex captives, too high to think that what they are doing might be slightly exploitative (I can say 'immoral', but I can say 'exploitative'?). The women look like prostitutes. And the excuse 'it's the culture'. Bullshit, I say. What it is: it's a way to drive away a certain kind of moralism. Also I believe they use it for messaging. The same posts, every bread. I think it's for messaging but I have no idea who or why. So I don't worry about it. But if that's the case, and they are good people? It's just crazy and sad that these efforts even exist. Some say 'filter' other 'you are a pussy if you filter'. I say do you put screen on your windows in the summer or do you let your house get invested with flies and mosquitoes. Some people deserve to be filtered by the user.

To qualify what I said up top: ideologues who take control of socialist systems that are mostly backed by well meaning people, taint history, and march the populace off into the wilderness or killing fields. Their victims? The first are the true believing Socialists who have caught wind of the fact that the infiltrators of world-nasty have gained control, the republic is dead, and democarcy will be de-mock-racy, a mock, a shame, a fraud. History notes the fallen. We are loath to ignore the facts of what has gone on about us all along.

The efforts at discrediting and destroying any channel where real people put out valid conjecture results in the idea of anyone's plausible narrative, that they posit with the fact ofit's being a supposing, is 'conspiracy theory'. I've said this in a long winded way. The way of the shill is to present anyone else's, out side of their crowd or clan, anyone elses far fetched and speculative narratives as being 'conspiracy' or 'the result of a psychotic mind' etc. Seriously they just want to cut the vocal chords of anyone who dare speak who isn't from their moiety of control and power. So beware those who try to become famous. Or if you are fame-fagging on Qreseearch, ypouud best beware who is Muelling about. Gerome Corsi gets a shout out. Gerome: I want that you should be a good person, a man who, though excentric, and perhaps with various faults, compounding over the years, made mistakes, can and will be forgiven if there are some, and is a demonstration to the world of the dangers of being a vocal and mouthy person who exposes things about powerful and out of control people. The world will review your work and find ? ? ? It's tough, the cult of personality is a bear. In politics it can be your death, the death of a person if not actual death, your career is suddenly ended due to the unhinged behavior of the executive class. Look what happened to the Queen of Comedy, Roseanne Barr, who certainly didn't deserve what happened to her. She had reached a pinnicle. Will they note her in the same way we note Mollier or Shakespeare in the far future? She will be seen as a luminous entertainer and all that was supposed to have been removed will be heeped upon her, and those who love her true, and she will be celibrated we are lucky she is still with us. And all of Hollywood in bondage and she's just the true heart that can break them all out of their chains. Bring it on, Woman, we are ready for your next product. (She can revise her show). So my question? is Corsi getting a bum rap? He's been a vocal and boastful guy and I don't blame him for going out like a meteor. He shouldn't plead to something that he didn't do. Prosecutors ought not to be able to demand that one does. and if you don't take the plea, it's a political thing, then . . . well he shouldn't take the plea. He ruins his reputation. And now if he beats it he's got a chance.

But how much of it is 'just a movie' where they bring all the heroes low and then, at the end, they are all ascendant, and triumphant. But to really win you get your way and no one is 'vanquished', no one is executed in June of 2019 as some report will happen to . . . and . . . who I don't put here (it's in some posts, on the chan, go there yourself and see). And I find that kind of thing distasteful. It goes against my Christian idealism. And I know that ideologues and idealists are similar, but not quite the same. The idealist knows that the truth always wins without violence. The ideolouge is taken down by the shill, who is a kind of anti-hero. The shill in that case is testing the metal of the ideologue and the ideologuse fails. Fail. boastful failing. Gerome, you need to calm down. If you are a Christian, you are. You have an immortal soul. You do. In the end what will happen? You'll be fine. Be still and know.

So, ya, the chans are full of bullshit. But it's the only place where all the refuges from social media can go and chat up and swap news links. So whats bad about that? In the end if the shills 'win' what does that mean? People will still figure out ways to pass truth around. It's been a fairly scarey thing for the power mongers to see their schemes wreaked,

Concrete Steps, Gooseberry Island, MA 2013 © APC

their concrete steps just laying in the tide on a stone strewn shoreline, the dwellings are gone. The storm came. It took out all the buildings that had been foolishly built in full view of all approaching hurricanes. People like being there. They had a house. It's gone now. It's some how allegorical to those who seek to make 'concrete steps' now. Fools that they are thinking that it will last for them, their will not anybody elses? They loose. But the concrete steps? It will take a very long time for the tides to erode them to unidentifiable rubble.

On line the chans are like channels in a shipping lane. It's a public place, a waterway, and anyone can float anything there as long as it's legal in the USA. (and you know what that means.) What is the purpose of shills? Is everything they do to sow division? Are they on a quest for unhinged people? Are various intellegence agencies really financeing all of these shills on social media? How much of what we find on line is just talking points of agenda mongers?

The answer is: we can't stop 'them' from doing it. We have to just weed through it. Otherwise are we muted? I've got my own websites, but no one goes to them. I mean no one any harm, though I do say very provocative things, like my going on about Socialism, which has been a taboo subject. Socialism is the primary cult of the modern age, and a piped piper ideology. The pepole follow along dancing in the demonstration not realizing that they are being made a mockery, and being used by political operatives. As soon as the polticians are enschonced they cultivate a fake 'cult of personality' and terrorize anyone who says 'the emperor has no clothes.' Look what they did with Hillary and Obama. With Trump we know his flaws. He's like King David, in some sense, but not a violent man like David was. Donald seems to me to be a gentle man who lived in a difficult time and learned through grace to get along but also to not be an apologist. The cult of anti-don is really a sad and sick effort, the pink devil horn hats, the whole bit. It's sad that they don't understand how awesome Donald is. Human all too human. And I remember when Regan was president I didn't appreciate him. Well, think, in twenty years, all ye haters, when you look back, you will say 'ah, the golden age of Donald Trump.' and after 8 years he won't be president. He can retire having done so much. Dare I say 'He saved America! He saved the world! I don't have to say it though if I do I'll be repeating what I heard someone else say. A pro Donald shill? No, no one who supports Donald is ever a shill (that is a joke. It's supposed to imply that I have the same problems on idol worship, or hero worship, but I don't.) Donald is a guy who had good fortune, and connections. He saw what was wrong with the world and worked with some frenz to get it all together and plan and get it done. and now that he's been in almost two years it seems that he's gotten older but I want to say Thank You! Thank You Donald!

The worst of what is said on the various open communications chan is infinite in it's intensity. The fact is that we can't know without 'sauce' but so much is said without it. Facts? Memes? Shills? etc etc etc. Filter as needed.

If we speak about real problems, and offer valid solutions, or conjecture on the successes of everyone for the good of all, we do better than when we stick to an ideology and follow blindly along.

Nov 28, 2018

Tell us
you really feel

Today is primary day!

Today is primary day. I am unenrolled though I still get to vote. It wasn't simple to find information on the few candidates for which I needed to make a selection. I had a few thoughts on how the Internet could do a lot better. There needs to be a much better method to find political information that searching through radio station archives, or trying to find candidate data through the compromised search engines. We all thought that was what all the tech was supposed to be, that the networks, the social networks, were going to create a kind of new democracy.

So they built it. They ran a few elections and let it be open. Then they say 'this is the new way to find the facts and info' and then they knocker-block (not really censoring, but the effect is the same) the content of those with whom they disagree . . . and think that the election is going to be fair this time? We call BS on them. At least I do.

Enhancement of process. But any 'improvement process' that is only from one corner of politics, ie from the academic leftist, is bound to become a failure and a cuckoldry. (a place where institutional dementia reigns).

So go vote. Pull a ballot. Do the research first. See how broken it's gotten trying to find information on candidates. Even if you don't find anyone to vote for, go and pull a ballot and put it into the slot empty, if you must, just to show the process handlers that we are all still here.

a running headline:

Trump continues to win bigly!

蠱 work on what has been spoiled

Do not respond to the quasi paranoid larpers and their constant shillpost banter!

August 12, 2018

tell us how you really feel . . . . . . well . . . Truck-you-later!

I speak
but there is no one there.
I know that there is no one there.
I'm not really talking to myself
but I know that I'm not talking to anybody else.

© 2016 © 2017 © 2018

  Praise     Praise     Praise
   the        the        the
   Lord       Lord       Lord
  for his    for his    for his
 unfailing  unfailing  unfailing
   love!      love!      love!

  well, little else now.

Bill authors these columns.

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