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Politics for Poets

Vaccine Purges

The over reach of vaccination mandates has emboldened some in governance to make mandates that in order to work and exist in the same manner one must 'prove' that one is . . . vaccinated. They call this a 'safety' measure. It's not safe for those who have to put up with it.

These vaccine purges are happening now. For example Italy has some in their governance who are so bold as to condemn the unvaccinated to being unable to get paid for work, or to do normal things in public. This tyranny will not stand, if History teaches us anything. These are purges. Plan and simple.

The vaccine is just one method of curing or preventing the supposed disease. Another disease is ignored by these (unjust, and uncivil) efforts: the disease of megalomanical dictatorship without accountability. If only there were a terse word to use for that which hasn't been already made irrelevant, where the users of that word are tagged as alarmists or 'conspiracy theorists'.

Vaccine purges are on going. Massachusetts State Police (Troopers) are resigning in lieu of being forced to get this 'treatment' of either gene therapy or experimental vaccine.

I'm not sure where it goes from here, how could I know? It's like a volcano of bad governance happening all at once. And the correct way to deal with pyroclastic missiles of flaming lava is to move out of their range. How does one move out of the range of the volcanic tyranny of vaccine purges?

La Palma devastation

The Earth renews while it destroys

here is a link to La Palma volcanic erruption. this is an URL for a live link to those current erruptions.:


this one too, not live but wow!

this shows the pyroclastic flow which is a river of lava!

title: #IGME_CSIC #erupcionenlapalma #volcanes Vuelo Dron 02 (25/9/21). Erupción Cumbre Vieja, La Palma. IGME-CSIC


The History of Tyranny

Ignore history at your peril!

History seems clear about the long term effect of tyrannical purges in European countries on the health of those involved, especially the despots who veer into the wasteland of issuing edicts to control and force unwilling citizens to submit to nonsensical, or unnecessary dictates. Follow along, they would demand say, do the submission rituals, which they deemed manditory or be purged. The system is configured that bad governance is curtailed by European methods. Read history and study world events going back 3000 years and you can find out for yourself what happens to tyrants, despots, and immoral dictators.

A volcano of bad governance errupts world wide for a world wide political cataclysm

My description to review what has happened historically to those who overreach in such an egregious way is a call to review the dictates and to rescind those mistaken dictates. A review of the fate of tyrants from the past shows that they often suffer in their fates worse than those against who they behaved as tyrants. Governmental tyrannical overreach has resolved as such, and hopefully that kind of resolution is not a prescription for the future. One hopes that those implementing these draconian and anti-human 'solutions' to the problems of disease, will step back and review; and then rescind; the dictates that they suggest for others, and look again and decide that what they had proposed is untenable and would not solve anything. In fact, what mistaken orders of governmental overreach do, is to assure the eventual downfall of that type of bad governance, in the long run. If History is any guide to current events, those who over reach need to re-access and rescind their overreaching and unworkable and tyrannical 'mandates'.

What are the vaccine mandates in some people's eyes? They seem to be loyalty tests. The person either is 'loyal' to the idea that the governance is correct in what it dictates, or one is purged from working and being able to survive well within the current system. It's akin to having to make an oath to an emperor. It is like other imperious dictates, like 'you must donate to the emperor's temple', or other forms of displays of submission.

People are rightfully distrustful of the medical establishment as it's always been a tradition to be skeptical of doctors and of dictators both. Skepticism has always been a part of staying healthy for many people. To some the mandates seem to be a demand for submission, like an oath of fidelity. Others might call it similar to dictates of sacrifices for emperors, or akin to the submission to a blood ritual. Some, just being privacy advocates, might want the vaccine, but wouldn't want the government to be able to mandate it, or even ask 'did you get this'. This is called 'medical privacy'.

Politicians who adhere to a policy that they are dictators seem to display a disregard for the public, as if those politicians do not believe that they need the people's support to win an election. A country that goes full tyrant-mode, in this regard, may be ruled by people who no longer fear the public's outcry at elections, as if elections are not real, and the people don't really have a democracy.

must take a . . .

loyalty oath?

must involve oneself in a . . .

blood ritual
the submission to the vaccine is seen as a ? ?
loyalty test?

All of that is hard to say, but that is the view that they seem to give out. Or I live in a bubble and am being fed misinformation to anger me? Is the news of Troopers needing to resign, and Italians remaining unpaid fake? I looked for it and that news showed up in very many places.

I conclude that many may find that submitting to a vaccine is like having to take a loyalty oath and to having to submit to a pagan blood ritual. People may also conclude that requiring vaccines in this way is an over reach of the governance and a violation of the civil rights of those subjected to such dictates.

Those hazed with this vaccine mandate loyalty test probably will have good standing in courts. How will that help them if their lives are ruined?

People do resent having to submit to the any unjust mandates or tests of loyalty, be it of healthcare or any sphere of governance. Institutional dictates of unconnected profiteering oligarchs are often made merely to enrich them. (Witness the Global Warming narratives.) To destroy the people through purges is not the behavior of those who seek the good health and welfare of the public. The situation is dire for those actively being purged right now. These governors and officials are out of bounds, and acting like tyrants.


Del Rio, Texas

Del Rio, Texas is in a big valley. A big valley will flood. But in a desert, this only happens from time to time. The river is dry. but there is still a 'wash', the rill of the landscape, that is a known flood zone. In Spanish this is called an arroyo. So, in New Mexico, for example, the word 'arroyo' is also used. In fact, it shows up in English dictionaries as a 'borrowed' word.

When I stayed in New Mexico the cable television would often have public service announcements. I remember one, as if it's almost a joke, because who wouldn't know this?(who wouldn't know as follows:) the message was "Remember to never camp in an arroyo". That makes sense. But the announcement is not a joke. And flash flooding is serious business.

mud-running a rig through a boggy place

There is a 'sporting' activity that happens in a wet place, through the low parts of fields, much to the discontent of local farmers, where old beat trucks, or other 4 wheel vehicles, are brought up to a higher speed and then they 'run' the muddy area. Will they make it through? Will the State Police show up and issue tickets? Will they have to spend the night at a friends house because their rig is stuck in the field? How angry will the farmer be?

The activity of driving through a boggy part to see how far you can get through it is called 'mudrunning'. It may, in fact, be illegal unless you own the land (that seems obvious). But, from time to time, I've seen it being done, or the results of it. It's maybe called 'redneck activity' but it can be done by anyone. The only thing needed is a muddy field and a person looking for an adrynline rush, driving a beat-rig, in a place where that kind of mud is accessible from some other byway. Sometimes it's done so that pepole on a class 6 road, way out in the middle of a forest, don't have to back track, which results from making the mistake of trying to take a secret short cut through a part that isn't really classed for through-traffic. These roads are called 'logging roads' in some parts. Other places call them class VI (class 6, in Vermont, at least). And usually they will only show up on topographic maps from long ago, or if the people know about them, they will use them. There are very many roads like this.

But why? Why do people do this dangerously stupid activity of ripping up a field? Well, my recollection of it is that they needed to get through. So this fast forwards to the part about Del Rio. During the flooding at some point some guys made a video of themselves trying to get away from it. There are two trucks, and they 'run' the flooding arroyo. This is a very dangerous thing to do! Here is a youtube link of that:

dangerous escape, Del Rio, Texas
running trucks throuh flooded aroyos
"Escaping Flash Floods Near Del Rio Texas"

The video of the link above doesn't say when the floods shown occured. Driving through flooding arroyos is dangerous because you might not understand that the road through the dry-river may be washing away, or may have washed away, as the cascades of water flood through the rill of the land. In a dessert place such rills dry except when it floods as shown in the video.

Here is a link to another video about flooding effects in Del Rio:


20 years after Del Rio flooding, survivors say they're being kicked off of their trail home site.

14,000 people under a bridge

Where it often has torrential flooding

Am I being fair? Does that particular spot where the 14000 people have been squatted, have flash floods?

My quess is 'yes', or else why would there be such a big bridge there? People who are in charge, if there are any, should take note. Move these people with haste!

The Kings Highway

Anyone interested in rural back-roads can also examine other types of abandoned byways, such as The Kings Highway, commissioned by the The King of Great Britian through New England and to Canada, or other places. These highways were drawn in straight lines over ridges, and down big slopes, and when automobiles were first invented the Kings Highway and other 'straight through' types of roads had too steep a grade to be useful for the common automobile. So the roads were switched to run along side, and ululate along the rivers, and down through the riles of the land, along side the flooding streams.


The drone strike . . .

Was a mistake . . . admits . . .


but the snarky response: weren't they all?

Why did some in office in Washington DC ever get to believe that they could sit in their control rooms and direct death-from-above upon people thousands of miles away who posed no direct threat, and are located in a foreign nation? Without judges and juries, and with no due process, some in the DC establishment authorized death drones against enemies for years during the Obama regime. And now this behavior has started up again under the current administration.

Now that they have admitted that their process will often produce results that even they do not want, which other drone strikes will they also admit were 'mistakes', even by their flawed methodology? The flaw is that they feel that they have this right to direct drone strikes as they do. If they aren't on the scene then they should be out of the situation. Leave it to the soldiers to fight the battles.

It seems as though these drone strikes are often politically motivated. If so those in politics who goaded on the operators of this drone-system to use it for effecting the news cycle, those who do this are, in my estimation, unfit to be in that position.

here is a headline from the brietbart.com website.

"By Withholding Regeneron, Biden Could Be Sentencing Black People to Death"

the url that gives this headline is as follows:


The White House phrases this (?) as 'fairness?'

Others might not call it 'equity' or 'fairness'. Others might call such holding back of critical life-saving, and readily available medicines, a criminal act. The withholding of supplies, for whatever reason, to citizens with a right to them, and when there is an ample supply of that medicine, is, in fact, an abuse of the civil rights of those citizens from whom the medicine is being withheld. Why does it matter if they are Black, or whoever.

Even though the Breitbart headline comments using concerns of the race division narrative, they are not pandering to that narrative. Instead they seem to be pointing out how the current administration seems to panders to it.

The editors of Brietbart, and their current crop of writers, seem well versed in the concepts of equality, and that political pandering based upon race (and any political pandering, for that matter) is divisive and not good for the people.


I don't know what to make of it.

Politics is like the ancient ruins, but a theater


Some are making comparisons

The view from here

The view from here? Rain. More rain. Rain through the night.

as far as the current state of poluticks? (politics) Do I need to remind people of the famous 'jump the shark' episode?

There is this thing called 'night mare logic' when things seem really really bad. You've got the wrong news somehow. And when that has happened to me (it has been a very very very long time since I've needed it) I just say 'none of what I'm telling myself that this is right now makes sense in a happy and sane world so this is either hullcination or night mare.' and then I attend to getting somewhere safe where I can sleep through whatever fear would have been there had I kept playing along with the nightmare. Usually that works for people places and things.

I used to live in a happy cave of a room in my safe spot, a bunch of hours away and tuckered in deep within my hidden view of what was (or seemed) real. At some point I recognized how fradulent so much is of this world, and looked elsewhere for revelations, and finally got back to where it all makes sense for me. I found a happy place of a different venue.

Perhaps it is because I can still recall, in some sense, what it was for me before I understood as I do today. When I noted various passings in my life, I said to myself in my journals or in my poems about what I was before, what I couldn't be now, what I wouldn't have been. What I am not. What I percieved of others, a lot of rambling and pandering to my own apologietic instincts, not willing to face-up-to what seemed very clear to me, and that I could talk about with words. I could just see it, and learned to talk about it plainly in a way almost like a standup comic with a death wish. Maybe that was me in a past incarnation, a standup comedian at some temple playhouse wine-feast venue where they ran Sicilian plays in the moonlight (speculation and fantasy. Past lives are said to be a fiction or a fantasy) (really, to me, more interesting then the speech today: what was the deal with ancient theater lighting? I mean how did they light the stage. And I think that the answer is 'with natural light'. Sunlight. Moon light. Maybe even lamps and bonfire. We forget all that. the crazy day of times gone past. They still do shows at Taormina, and you can go there in a video and hear the trustees speak in forceful verbs about that place, that localle, the theater, the ancient Greek playwrights.

So in a thousand years? what would be remembered of today? Will the world note, in some future day, Sept 9, 2021, the guantlet was thrown down for some reason when the dotter-head gave a mean-guy speech and called everyone opposed to his big plans a threat and . . . .

So how did they light those ancient venues? Well, of course, with natural light. And lamps. and bonfires.

The play that seems to be being acted out now down in the venue of the big white place, a theater for the ages, seems of the tragic genre. We know how they light that. With electric lamps paid for by the government, which gets it's money from tax payers and fee payers.

 how long?
 . . . how    
        long ? ? ? 


 this is a lot more
         than posting
         in the chan
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Onward into the storied evening!  

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these can get you banned from school?!:
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spinfont unicode-isms
🍀 Praise God! 🍀
🍀 Praise God! 🍀

A collection of guitar image will be exposed when you toggle it on by selecting this switch. This is a content toggle. contains image of content that will be exposed when one selects this toggle, taken from a screen capture. This is an active switch. Click this to expose a lot of content. copyright © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company

if you don't have proper fonts installed you won't see what this picture shows: the output of the echo command with unicode symbols as input. If you are blind basically the unicode are symbols that you could feel as shapes. If you have a 'font box', which would be like that divice with all the pins in it that you can place your hand inside, and the shape of your hand will appear on the surface. If such a thing locked, it would then let a blind person feel it and they would feel the shape. such a device that does that for font shapes would greatly aid the blind. It would be a 'kind of' high resolution new-braille. Call it a 'sean-box' font reader.

Image contains image of content that will be exposed when one selects this toggle, taken from a screen capture. This is an active switch. Click this to expose a lot of content. copyright © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company


🖐🖑 🖑🖐   © 2010, 2012 Amillia Publishing Company.Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial.  © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company.

Here is today's pretty poem:


Summertime in New England
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  © 2010, 2012 Amillia Publishing Company.
  © 2010, 2012 Amillia Publishing Company.

🖐 🌙 🖑
🖑🌛 🌜🖐
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glossary of what's next

♥♥? :

Be nice to yourself and others. What other choice?

Praise the Lord Just because it's the right thing to do !© 2012 APC.Praise the Lord for his deep and unfailing love for us! © 2012 APC.


Wake up!

This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2012 APC. Artwork by Bill Perilli (the webmaster) © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC. Rainbow Star. A star shape with banded rainbows. The star is not a perfect star, but has side of uneven length as if it is but one in series, of an animated dancing star..  © 2012 APC. Artwork by Bill Perilli (the same) © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC.
wake up Praise and love ♥♥ the Lord!! ♥♥ © 2012 APC.

♥♥ Praise ♥♥ the ♥♥ Lord ♥♥ !!

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