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Politics for Poets



how do I even know if anyone even sees these pages? I suppose that's why I stopped updating them

April 17, 2023 8:28 PM EST

And did he ever even get to that part about 'helmet safety' and that the guy in the photo wasn't wearing one?

Oh, no, yet another topic for the echo factory to pretend that people care about and repeat over and over.

 this is a lot more
         than wading
         in through the chan spam.
This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2022 APC. see last alt  © 2022 APC. This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2022 APC. This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2022 APC. Read for the blind.  © 2022 APC. ditto.  © 2022 APC. ditto.  © 2022 APC. This website was made in this Solar System.  © 2022 APC. This website was made in the Universe.  © 2022 APC.
Onward into the storied evening!  

hover over the logo images for a page modification effect. Amillia Publishing Company Art Cube logo, still of animation, artwork by Bill.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC ditto.  © 2015 2016 © APC



these can get you banned from school?!:
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spinfont unicode-isms
🍀 Praise God! 🍀
🍀 Praise God! 🍀

A collection of guitar image will be exposed when you toggle it on by selecting this switch. This is a content toggle. contains image of content that will be exposed when one selects this toggle, taken from a screen capture. This is an active switch. Click this to expose a lot of content. copyright © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company

if you don't have proper fonts installed you won't see what this picture shows: the output of the echo command with unicode symbols as input. If you are blind basically the unicode are symbols that you could feel as shapes. If you have a 'font box', which would be like that divice with all the pins in it that you can place your hand inside, and the shape of your hand will appear on the surface. If such a thing locked, it would then let a blind person feel it and they would feel the shape. such a device that does that for font shapes would greatly aid the blind. It would be a 'kind of' high resolution new-braille. Call it a 'sean-box' font reader.

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🖐🖑 🖑🖐   © 2010, 2012 Amillia Publishing Company.Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial.  © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company.

Here is today's pretty poem:

  Springtime in Middlesex Country    
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glossary of what's next

♥♥? :

Be nice to yourself and others. What other choice?

Praise the Lord Just because it's the right thing to do !© 2012 APC.Praise the Lord for his deep and unfailing love for us! © 2012 APC.


Wake up!

This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2012 APC. Artwork by Bill Perilli (the webmaster) © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC. Rainbow Star. A star shape with banded rainbows. The star is not a perfect star, but has side of uneven length as if it is but one in series, of an animated dancing star..  © 2012 APC. Artwork by Bill Perilli (the same) © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC.
wake up Praise and love ♥♥ the Lord!! ♥♥ © 2012 APC.

♥♥ Praise ♥♥ the ♥♥ Lord ♥♥ !!

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The Message Column

It's Springtime but chilly

We got a lot of rain the last two months, and that's fine because it wasn't snow!

April 22, 2024
12:17 PM EST

Winter seems to have passed

A lot can happen in a year. I used to update these pages all the time. Maybe I could start doing that again?

Today was the day of setting the clocks forward.

March 10, 2024
10:35 PM EST

Winter 2024

I would go back to work if I had an offer.

No one who contacts me about work seems to provide any serious prospects, like they are just hazing me..

Avoiding discord

The realization that much of what you find on line is just bots messing with people and trying to train them to be ineffective at debate by making them revert to insults, putdowns, and sub-human behavior makes social media seem to be a wasteland. It is best to not participate in that.

All the rain could have been snow!

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord

for his unfailing love!

  Teach me to be an instrument of your Peace!
  -St Thomas Aquinis

Success after long perseverence
gives you a new life!


Hover Modifiers

This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2012 APC. Rainbow Star. A star shape with banded rainbows. The star is not a perfect star, but has side of uneven length as if it is but one in series, of an animated dancing star..  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. made in the USA stylized logo © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC. ditto © 2012 APC. ditto.  © 2012 APC. Rainbow Star. A star shape with banded rainbows. The star is not a perfect star, but has side of uneven length as if it is but one in series, of an animated dancing star..  © 2012 APC. This website was made in the United States of America.  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC.  © 2012 APC.

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Skylight Copley Place circa 2006  © 2015 2016 © APC morning glory.  © 2015 2016 © APC Purple Amythist  multi-mirrored image of a deep purple colored amythist.  © 2015 2016 © APC purple hued monochrome of El Captian, a giant cliff in Yosemete National Park.  © 2015 2016 © APC   El Captian, a giant cliff in Yosemete National Park.  © 2015 2016 © APC  of El Captian, a giant cliff in Yosemete National Park.  © 2015 2016 © APC Roses, slightly wilted, in a vase positioned near the center, but not exactly, a list of names, in memorial, which are written in ever increasing concentric circles, very very very many names of people who died during the AIDS epidemic. Golden Gate Park, in the AIDS Grove  © 2015 2016 © APC

Plaque in memorial for passangers of a slave ship who died local to this sign and are burried nearby. Key West, Florida.  © 2015 2016 © APC
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Decorative Holiday Lighted Seal with ball, accross the street from the Fisherman's Memorial, Glocester MA, sunset, Dec 20, 2006.  Copyright © 2010, Amillia Publishing Company ditto Dec 20, 2006.  Copyright © 2010, APC Supermoon, Sept 7, 2014 from Natick., 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC ditto © 2014 © APC
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  Praise     Praise     Praise
   the        the        the
   Lord       Lord       Lord!
  for    because    
 Easter  He's so awesome! 
  welcome to The Message Column!



Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company. Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company. Stylized Lincoln from a high-res photo of his memorial. © 2013 Amillia Publishing Company.
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Vote Once
One Vote
here is a fresh link, a new path to some older content:

We change as we grow
and become someone newer
who understands our role better
in the plans of God.

Image from  Wall Street where Washington was inaugarated 2014 © APC Marines!  at the WWII Memorial in Washington, DC 2014 © APC The WWII Memorial in Washington, DC 2014 © APC

In Wicked Need of an Edit

🚛 🎓 🎔 🌀

Political and Media Inanity
by Truck-u-later


in this column Truck-u-later steps in deeper . . .

well most news was about the raid a few weeks ago, I read up on what I could find.

I read up on it but I didn't try to spend too much time dwelling on it.

I wrote some things. But I can only observe these things. I wish not to be seen as being one who understands what it going on in the world these days. I try to learn what happens and try less to 'splain about the peeps involved. That whole 'It's them!' finger pointing is bogus and discordant to an eccumenical and open hearth world view.

And those who seek to live within a meta where they rule the world as a cartoon avatar persona . . . and do their pyramid scheme money-thang and their virtuality as if it's real . . . They do as they will and I have no say over their futures. So why do they pretend to have a say over mine?

The answer is: that if they live within a meta, then their rules are for them there. Outside of that, in the real world, those of us who aren't crazy with self-entitled ideation, and wealth beyond measure that enables us to put the equipment on, and all of it's tethering and attachments and live within that matrix world . . . all of us who do not wish to join them in what seems to be a depraved cult of wish fulfillment cooupled with a magical point of view about the fate of peoples and persons . . . all of us who have not gone crazy like that . . . you can't really expect us to let you carry on and try to rule us from within your cage of technology?

video gaming morphed into 'meta world creation' because the games were too depraved that had the cool world layouts that people like. The puzzles one loves to solve, and the cool graphics that one wants to see were those times interspersed with simulated acting out of depraved behaviors, like having to kill all the other characters in the scene before one moves on to the next level.

So at some point you trained yourself to not do it, to click through the depravity as if it's not there, and maybe miss a creepy backstory. I gave up playing those kinds of games, and I still ike to watch old replays, but I fast forward through the gun fight parts, the ghouls who hound Lara Croft in the end levels of, say Tomb Raider aniversary are tiresome and almost designed to make the players hate this kind of depravity in a game, as if the writers are telling their funders ;Really, a kill anything that seems alive simulation? Like clones could never be born without a need to kill everything else in the proximity from where it emerged? Well, we all know what happend to the Lora Croft franchise, and most video games.

But the graphics can be compelling and fun, so people still get some enjoyment out of it.

And those who think that they can rule from within a meta? they have the persona of the villianous ancient ghoul who haunts Laura through out here travels. Watch a walk through of tomb Raider Aniversary. Feel free to fast forward through the psychopathic parts. But do listen to the banter and the dialog. Spoiler alert: Laura has a lot of soul searching to do.

Aug 29, 2022

Tell us
you really feel

蠱 work on what has been spoiled

sometimes you just need to remove kruft.

Politics never ends but sometimes it's better to remain mute. Mostly when there is nothing needing or wanting to be said.

but that is no one, that has
not hapened to anyone
you made it up.

thankfully true.

We move along. We keep doing for ourselves. We survive. We don't let the world define who and what we are, or how we feel, or what any of this really means.

And if they have bad humor, and will not forgive they will hate you then.

but at least in that
story they leave you 
alone after all of that

They dont' always leave you alone. It seems they still sometimes want to connect to try to draw that cray cray narrative out one more time. And you have to explain that, no, sorry, this is a bit. You caught me while I was writing a character, that's not me. I am using tht as a dialog in a paly that I'm having my character write inside of his narrative, he's writing his own play about a guy writing a play.

It's like he feeds on it, I get bothered that he lets me go on with it.

tell us how you really feel . . . . . . well . . . Truck-you-later!

I speak
but there is no one there.
I know that there is no one there.
I'm not really talking to myself
but I know that I'm not talking to anybody else.

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  Praise     Praise     Praise
   the        the        the
   Lord       Lord       Lord
  for his    for his    for his
 unfailing  unfailing  unfailing
   love!      love!      love!

  well, little else now.
Be well in every way possible!

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The Right Column

hey, something I wrote in 2004. I call it "A rant in 21 Stages."


The Exploitation of Others:

The Justification of Microtyrannies by the Modern Self-Assured.

1. All folks at all times are subject to the illusion that they have the correct view of the world. And this illusion is called by some “The illusion of central position.” We all suffer or prosper under this illusion. Or we go insane. Or we get enlightened. Or we get Born Again (hopefully). Or something else happens.

2. Under the illusion described in (1) we all do whatever we do under varying conditions of success. We all define success in a slightly different way. But we live within societies and are always subject to the demands of that. Basically we are stuck here within what we make for ourselves or we are free to be whatever we decide to become. We overcome our difficulties. But also we create most of our own difficulties ourselves with our attitudes that we projected onto others. And these difficulties become the hole that we dig for ourselves. We put ourselves into bondage under rules that we create for ourselves. Or we set ourselves free by realizing the universality of our plight and that all of our difficulty is the result of our putting a separation between ourselves and God.

3. Because of the separation described in (2) and the difficulties of most folks being under the illusion as described in (1), as well as other illusions all too numerous to describe here, each soul struggles to be free, often times thinking that their freedom involves that some other folk should be partially enslaved. And when one enslaves another one is also enslaved. People conduct their every day activity and go about their general business in the condition of misery as a result of themselves being both slaver and slave.

4. Because of (3) there is much misery in the world. Some people believe that there is something also called Karma which is a metric of this misery. But also on the other side of this is a theory of bliss that we all seem to think that we want at sometime or another in our life. Under this theory there is a range of bliss or misery that is doled to each person either because of the merit or dismerit of there behavior or thoughts. Everyone who ascribes to this kind of belief has a different way to believe and a different way that they imagine that reality works, the after life if there is one or if it matters and generally their belief system.

5. Mystics speak and no one hears. They drive the thoughts from their minds until they are then chased by new thoughts. All that they say is offered up to the idea that maybe it would have been better if they'd never said it.

6. Because of (5) there is no way to educate the masses as to the situations described in (1), (2), and (3). Any such education is a self-education. Anyone who chooses to solve this dilemma can only really do it for them self.

7. Societies always have folks who are doing what is described in (6). Human societies have evolved to have rules of behavior that are mandatory for the members of that society. Hopefully the type of folks who are aware of the situations described in my scree above, ie (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) above, Are the kind that are aware and caring and want there to be less slavery in the world. But they also know that people put themselves and others into slavery because they have the free will to do so. They have free will because God gave it to them.

8. In consideration of the concept of making laws and having rules as described in (7), there is the concept that there are not to be too many rules. There needs to be rules about the rules. And when dealing with self-aware adults the general concept is for many: “ The good Lord gave you free will. So he doesn't ever force anyone to do anything. So who am I to tell you what to do?”

9. There is a balance between the concept of total free will and the idea of the need to mentor and guide. We need to have nurture but not too much. We need to have free will but we can't do anything that we could if we were out-of our head and manic. We have to catch people when they fall. We need to turn on a light when one needs to see and shut it off when one needs to sleep. One light never goes off and comes from within. The other is a physical light that has a filament and a bulb and a socket and is configured by men to give electromagnetic waves within the visible spectrum. The other is a spiritual light configured by God to be what it is that we discover as we live and feel.

10. We are our own light, our own water, our own soil and we portion it out to ourselves and grow what we want in our lives. We focus and fixate on what we want and that part of our life grows. Any attention to any part of our life features that part more later. And we grow and pass on to new things too, shedding the past but not the lessons of the past. We are growing and living and vibrant creatures who live and love and breath in the good air.

11. Being (10) is obvious. But most also leave a wake where they go. They drive their truck up the flooded streets of someone else's life and think “How smart I am for buying this car.” And they don't see that their wake floods some other place in someone else's life. They want their dream holiday and it includes someone else who doesn't want to be in the dream of the other.

12. Lost in our dreams as described in (11) we chase some bliss feeling of belonging with others. But these others are free to not be with us. Anyone who falls in this trap knows it very well. Be warned affection can not be induced and often fleets and fades. Friendly people aren't necessarily friendly for long.

13. Bliss chasing seems good. And you stick a needle in and then there it is. And we know that is a ridiculous and skitzy thing to do, not a good thing to do unless one needs to kill mortal pain. And yet we have these addicts about us, all around us. They have their pill or their smoke or their bottle and they make the bliss come. But we all know that this bliss is temporary and that addiction is actually yet another hole to be in, another form of hell. And yet these drugs that are such a problem in that they come to be a giant pulsating idol for the fool addict to worship are a miracle to help when folks need to kill pain. And they are very good for this. We are in a huge dilemma. This problem with addiction to substances with such power as opiates or amphetamines has not been solved by the thinkers and hopers in this world.

14. Bliss chasers as described in (13) are often well-loved by others and their behavior, though self-destructing, doesn't have to hurt others except who love them and in an emotional way. However because of laws designed to prevent the problems as described in (13), there is a level of criminal activity associated with the behaviors of (13). This is because there are profits to be made. As we said in (3) when discussing the slaver is also the slave, the quest for profits and power compels levels of criminal behavior to feed the drug abusers as described in (13). There are other forms of addiction as well as what is discussed in (13). There are slave/slaver things going on all about us, and it is due to people trying to make their way in the world and doing what they do. In this sense bad things happen not because of what we think or do or say, but what others around us say, think, or do. How does this jive with the rule of karma? Supposedly the correct attitude will provide for success in all things. But adversity breeds character. You can read Job, or think about the tower falling on the pilgrims as Jesus described. Just because something bad happens to someone doesn't mean that they sinned. But clearly attitudes effect one's life. And the mental precedes the actual from my point of view. And yet we did not create this world, God did. So we have a puzzle.

15. The situation described in (14) is a puzzle from a fuzzed-thought process. We are wondering about why things happen the way that they do and we think about the bad and good things that happen to people. And these bad and good things are very much a problem that we have and we don't know what to do about it and we keep thinking and we keep doing all of this and we are confused and we want to go twenty million miles on a long journey to the answers to these heavy questions about life and death and we end up in a desert of non-understanding. Maybe we become mad. We fall down on the road as described by Rumi in the Discourses. And then the angels carry us to the end of our journey and the answer to the problem about the questions is that the questions don't have answers that can be written into a meta-cock-a-mani pseudo-spiritual rant like this here.

16. When we see what we perceive as 'bad' things happening to others we can always offer to help. Or if they ask for help we can give it. If they need a hand we can reach out. We can bring the brutalized stranger to the inn and nurse him back to health. This is what we can do to try to over come the things we see as sad and upsetting. We are called to be like this and we thus try to.

17. When pursuing the ends of being helpful to others as described in 16 there can be an imbalance that results from people being too fixated on others. They want to be problem solvers for others, but there aren't any real problems. So they create them. This is like people who try to change a gay son to be straight or who tell a promising musician to get a real job. People can be meddlesome and over-bearing. And so we see again that there is always a balance in our behavior.

18. There are those who say that knowledge and understanding is the aim and goal of all, that we need to be enlightened. But I say that being enlightened is yet another illusion and that the real goal of all is to love God and let God love you. This involves no words, no thoughts, no hopes, no dreams, no action, no prayer except that kind of prayer that doesn't have words. This is not a feeling of bliss, nor is it an awareness of anything. As a matter of fact it might be best if I just stop saying what it isn't. Here is what to do if you need to know what it isn't further than what I describe here, think of something. It isn't that either.

19. What was I talking about in (18)?

20. In relationship to the deep deep and eternal truth of (19), there is a level of this in life that is called (just now for the first time) the rule of 'Huh?' Those who are well aware of the truth of (19) will not acknowledge such a rule except in a fuzzily thought through rant like this ego driven diatribe (this actual document as typed out by Bill P.)

21. I didn't add anything else. This is the end of my rant.

     note: I did not use the term 'Microtyrannies' as
     used by so-called justice warriors now.
     I was using it to refer to behaviors that, 
     once one is more self reflective, one sees in oneself.
     to be an awareness of oneself: here are your microtyranniees,
     not as a way to define a method of
     effective censorship and a philosophy
     of 'trigger' words.
     I find it tasteless, and even back then I would have to,
     to ever create a dis-list for someone else, or some other group,
     complete with a list of flawed communication processes,
     and bad behaviors. If you present such a list to someone
     you will likely be met with a hostile reception.
     They grow in their own time. You can not bully a flower
     into blooming, or make the flower not have it's own odor.
     People are not flowers. You can't discuss their odor 
     without being . . . well you should know.

Reject Conjecture as News
Challange Pejorative Putdowns
Don't block the Interstate
Don't loot the Department Store

First Friday of the Fall

It's alliteration Friday! No it isn't . . .

too much fixation on news
during an election
takes away from
the joy of the Autumn

He cancels
his cable

Game Sculpture

I know that the promise is here to show you things, and the promise was made so why the holdup? Just spinning wheels with scant else but 'demonstration'

Maybe because it is not yet the season of video games?

Oh cold radio rain, the blare of dispairing envy explodes somewhere and then makes us all glow in our joints, oh the excrutiating blame . . . none of this is real.

September 20, 2016
20 SEPT '16
20 SEPT 2016
is all we ever dream or dream
a dream with in a dream? (a mangled quote of POE)

mangled often pretends in to intentional humourous snark,
but not always does it hit the mark
wow I rhymed without trying
surely now the poets flying?

Three cups of cafeene and I'm ready
to type all day for Steady Eddy?

Steady Eddy is not a real person.


inline svg sample 1,inline svg sample 2,inline svg sample 3

it should be a hover but it might be a click . . .

keep it light
don't make it frightful
be inviteful

oh, your platitudes, it
matters not because the
day is long and hours ticking on
to this years final tally we
all hope for most of what is right and good
and if not, then
we hear about it.

Sorry for the down beat rainy day thoughts. 

Delete Delete the light goes on.
Delete Delete 
it's not censorship
to admit when you're just
trippin, Boo

I'm not tripping-boo,
are you? Are you?
not your name, that's insane
which is kind of lame
me telling you
who has sanity, oh
what vanity
a phrase i turn to you?

Hyperbole or a wartish mole
upon that chain of thought?
If I were true 
why wouldn't you
question what you got?
If you love me
you must be
insane because I know
what a sot I am
things I've done,
and what I won't let go
What do we really know, what's here?
What we remember, what we have seen,
what we were told, how things feel better
some things make it worse.
Dark thoughts drawn out long
it's often like a septic breach.
Come here once? Twice? I don't see it
more than that, to filter it out
is not always desirable, 
but often.


An old song:

If you love me
set me dreaming
set me dreaming
swet streaming

If you need me
then just tell me
set me dreaming
set me dreaming

really want to know
if you don't feel it too
why don't you let me go?

If you love me
won't you tell me?
Set me dreaming
Set me dreaming
If you want me
why do you taunt me?
Set me dreaming
Set me dreaming

If you 
don't feel this love too
then won't you set me free?
Why would you enslave me?

an old song:
If you don't love me baby, now
did you ever love me then?
If you don't want me baby, now
why did you sing those songs of Zen?
Thought you had the love that would save me
for ever and ever, baby
you look at me puzzled
and say stop calling me baby
Thought you had the lvoe that would save me
for ever and ever, baby.
You look at me angry
Stop calling me "baby!"

an old song:

If you don't love me
never dreaming 
of me
I don't care
If you don't want me
never ever 
haunt me
I don't care
And I don't care
if you're not there
if you're not here
then I have no fear
And I don't care 
if you don't care
if you want me here
or if you want me there.

If you don't need me
never ever heed me,
baby, I don't care
If you don't want me
never ever phone me
Idon't care.
And I don't care
if you don't hear
what I put there
outside my fear
and I don't care
if you don't care
if I don't care
that you're not there.

maybe song lyrics don't use 
the word 'baby' as a nomnative

another song:
If you thinking about it
and your talking about 
you had the whole dam day
to do somehting about it
and all you do
is screaming and shouting
and I don't even know what you mean

If you're thinking about it
and your talking about it
and your whole life long to 
think about it
and yet, right now, you're 
screaming and shouting
and I don't even know what you mean

If you don't love me
I'll go down unto the sea
and I . . . I don't really want to go
If you don't want me
I'll walk along the sea
through the drifts
of blizzarding snow . . .

If you're thinking about it
and you're shouting about it . . .
you've got all week long
to do something about it
and here we are, you're still screaming and shouting
and we don't even know what you mean.

If you don't love us
then what would be the fuss
if we walk off through
the blizzards of snow?
We'll find another town, 
someplace you ain't found
and some where you won't think to go . . .

If you don't want us?
What would be the fuss
if we don't come around and let you know?
That we won't be around
if it's us that you need found . . . 

Well, that one channels some
kind of sense of rejection. Rejected
but we don't F-in care.

hey, billy, how about something that isn't so down?

Down down down down down down
we're going up

Down down down down down
we're ascending
poom poom poom poom
boom boom poom poem poom
down down down down
quack quack goose

is it jaberwakki or a nonsense lyric suitible for many voices?
Suitible for many voices!

🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 
🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 
🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 
🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 🌛 

Music music music music music music!


March 11, 2015

clean water, even for enemies.

if you have this attitude, you won't need this attitude.

delete your delusions.
Music of

Dance to the Jam if you want to! 
    are often the same


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   Live your life
in constant resurrection!

    Fear the Lord ~ ⏲⏱⏰⏲⏱⏰⏰⏲⏱⏰⏰
 But He's always good to you ~ ; )

Praise the Lord!

recommended for further study: Psalm 91. Psalm 45. Psalm 37. Psalm 110. Psalm 91

MH, where are you? Milton Moonlight © Copyright © 2010,2012, 2013, 2014 © APC ©.

I got nothing more

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Poem Shards

just who reads, who writes these poems?
off a mountain road the poet roams
but only in a poem.

Realizing that the empty 
is empty
and not needing anything there.

just who shows up and for what?
I'm lonely or am alone or what does it matter?
driving off towards the nothing
walking along the nowhere path
up high
sure, it's a pretty view
but seen it, done it, jaded, back to the air port
he flew
his fantasy of happy vacation was through.

The deep snow.

The deep snow. She doesn't know how deep. She didn't think about it. Depth of snow no one know in rills and hollows where you shouldn't go when the storm is fierce and the night is cold even you shouldn't be so bold. poem is from 2012 short story titled Blizzard Baby The morning light is hued in cold awareness. Warming in the sun the bunny explores the snow covered lawn. The tracks melt by mid morning. Bunny doesn't know what the song means, anyway. This giant bubble that we call awareness? How could it have been formed? Seemingly hollow, it's filled up with you reading this and wondering where does this idle poet get his idle hours to spew out this bubble web of hollowness? 🚦 🚧 🚨 🚩 🚪 🚫 🚬 🚭 🚮 🚯 🚰 🚱 🚲 🌛 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌙 🌚 🌛 🌜 🌝. 🚤 🚥 sometimes there is beauty within the fragments . . . 🌜🌜🌜🌝🌛🌛🌛 Sprongg . . . onng . . . ongg ga Her tired morning seems more like poetry than anything you can find on a blog. Bark Bark. Bark Bark. Tree Bark Bark. Bark Bark. Dog 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌙 🌚 🌛 🌜 🌝. 🚤 🚥 Woof and woe🌝 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌙 🌚 🌛 🌜 🌝. 🚤 🚥 Space Ship snowman floats off towards Billy Perilli, writer of all of the things on this blog. 🌜🌜🌜🌝🌛🌛🌛

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Coders Edge

served to you by:

Fedora 40

After 40 different versions what can one say about it anymore? It's installed in all my systems, a day earlier. There are a few minor issues, but no show stoppers.

I did some stuff with lvm to resize a root area. That took a very long time. It's on a machine that maybe just should be retired . . .

April 22, 2024
12:02 PM

Fedora Core 38 beta

Ya, I decided to load Fedora Core 38 Beta about a month ago, and this machine kept shutting down . . . I think I finally fixed it. Tomorrow is the big release day for the Fedora Core 38. My production workstation is still running FC37. I don't know if I'll jump right on it right away. . .

my server is still resetting, or maybe I have it fixed. I decided to just remove plasma-desktop, as I don't use it. The journals were giving all kinds of errors with that, and I think that might have been the issue, conflicting with the gdm that I do use. Worst case I'd just go to runlevel 3 but, as I said in another column, I don't really even know if anyone views these pages anyway.

My production box would upgrade but the dnf says it would downgrade grum and associated tools, and that's never a good thing to do. I'm just not going to do it! anyway I'll check tomorrow when the offical release is and probably do it then. If I'm in the mood.

So now I've run every version of Fedora serving this website! that's a long time.

April 17, 2023 8:28 PM EST

here is from a year ago:

Fedora Core 36 beta

It took some time to figure out how to defeat the new screensaver built in, but I was able to. It's the biggest downside to the new Gnome.

I set the keybindings to something I don't use, and then put in a custom keybinding to use the old tool.

There are other minor things that annoy too, like the restoration of a deleted file that I always have to delete again on every FC core upgrade. The file is name camera-shutte.oga. It's in /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo

1:12 AM EST 9 April, 2022 

At the precipice of coding.

a mountain trail often has a place with a great view and a perilous fall if you wonder just a bit too far to one side of the trail. It's called a precipice. It's not a scary place. It's a safe place that one passes through.

OK, so I've done an update to FC34.

the biggest issue was . . . . drum roll . . .a lock up of gnome.

and if i clicked on the activities button I would need to reload (log out log back in).

I was able to run stuff without that, and thus determined a list of files that might need to be removed. I did as full reinstall of gnome as such:

dnf reinstall gnome

then I did a

dnf list installed |grep fc33

which gave me a list of files to consider uninstalling.

from that I got the following:

first odd issue:

sudo was not at first working! I had to install it! I kept the configuration file so I have my preferences still set up.

dnf install sudo                                                                                                                                                                          dnf reinstall gnome-*                                                                                                                                                                       dnf reinstall kde*                                                                                                                                                                          dnf reinstall NetworkManager*                                                                                                                                                               dnf remove gnome-screensaver                                                                                                                                                               dnf remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-20.04.0-2.fc33.noarch                                                                                                                       dnf remove xorg-x11-xkb-extras-7.7-33.fc33.x86_64                                                                                                                                          dnf remove compat-openssl10-1:1.0.2o-11.fc33.x86_64                                                                                                                                        dnf remove mozjs60-60.9.0-7.fc33.x86_64                             

there are still some fc33 packages, (I also looked for fc32 packages, anything older that was gnome)

sudo dnf list installed |grep fc33
biber.noarch                                         2.14-4.fc33                            @fedora               
gamin.x86_64                                         0.1.10-37.fc33                         @fedora               
libgta.x86_64                                        1.0.9-5.fc33                           @fedora 

if removing a package also removed large numbers of other packages, I left it. For each of the few that I did remove, I always would make sure by reading what would happen before agreeing to the transaction.

now the gnome-shell is working and it doesn't lock up. So which of the packages that I removed made the difference? I am not sure.

and so after just a few short hours of install, I've got my system working in away that seems normal.

the new gnome shell moves the icons to the bottom of the screen.

I find gnome-shell to be annoyingly poppy at times. I tend to do things rapidly, and all the popping can be nauseating.

It is helpful to learn how to use dnf. I've found that the reverse history stuff works as long as you haven't made too many changes. It's a dicey, though, to try and go back to an older revision but I did it ONCE. Next time it didn't work out so well. AT that point it was installing dnf and yum from rpms.

and I had success. It's the kind of thing that when you know how to do it . . .

but there was one other trick that I needed and it was a scary way to reset a password and I did discover how to do it. I'm not sharing that one (barely remember) it's like these things exist in a nether, and it's best to . . . let the knowledge fade unless you need it. It's too scary to dwell in that space.

anyway, gnome shell is working. It's not flighty and hanging up. And all it took was to remove the old packages of gnome that might conflict with it. And now I can continue with my review.

 Blender collection
 duplivert collection!
10:24 PM EST 12 April, 2021 

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